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The Embodiment Coaching Podcast

Host Mark Walsh and guest hosts offer a weekly podcast for everyone who is interested in Embodiment and the body. The podcast contains in-depth explorations of embodiment topics with expert guests from around the globe. Diverse speakers and practitioners of embodied areas such as academia, yoga, meditation, martial arts, psychology, medical, somatic, therapy, dance, and bodywork. The podcast is full of practical tips and experiential exercises.

Feb 26, 2018

Explore the Chinese “internal” martial and healing arts in this episode with Derek Notman. We explore what “chi” is, vitality, health vs. martial applications, relaxation, jin shin Jyutsu, standing meditating, forms, ying and yang, tai chi in daily life, Taoism, different models of exercise, freedom and...

Feb 23, 2018

Co-founder of Fighting Monkey, Jozef joins Mark to discuss learning and unlearning  discovery learning, diversity creating immunity art and sculpture, play, strategy  “zero forms”, specialism communication experimenting and your perfect tone. An intense exploration. 

Feb 19, 2018

Charlie Badenhop joins Mark to discuss Japan culture, what is “ki” and ki aikido, martial arts in daily life, implicit communication, bodywork, sustainable embodiment, corporate work and team building, kaizen, NLP/trances, verbal aikido, changing perspective, ideas generation, making a space between stimulus and...

Feb 17, 2018

Gayatri explains what tantra is, objectification and sexual denialism, cock loving, tantric massage, orgasm vs. climax, boundaries, consent, sex and agency, demonising men, touch, sleazy tantra, how to find a good teacher, bypassing, the wheel of consent, masturbation and self touch. She also gives some nice exercises...

Feb 13, 2018

House of Tengu sword and club wielding manic Pawel joins Mark to discuss martial arts, health vs. fitness, medieval and Viking weapons, birth and death, fluidity, 4 elements in training, gender roles, Slavic vs. Scandinavian culture, self defence, reconnecting to the primitive, types of transformation, moral training,...