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The Embodiment Coaching Podcast

Host Mark Walsh and guest hosts offer a weekly podcast for everyone who is interested in Embodiment and the body. The podcast contains in-depth explorations of embodiment topics with expert guests from around the globe. Diverse speakers and practitioners of embodied areas such as academia, yoga, meditation, martial arts, psychology, medical, somatic, therapy, dance, and bodywork. The podcast is full of practical tips and experiential exercises.

Mar 29, 2022

Shamash Alidina (teacher and author of Mindfulness for Dummies) and Karin had a fun, light and meaningful conversation discussing the application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training to mindfulness practice and the relevance and importance of community and values to support practitioners and teachers. With a couple of simple insightful experiments and practical tips to support your embodied mindfulness / kindfulness practice.    Website :